Accept payments globally with free integration

With an in-depth understanding of payment habits around the world, PayerMax supports 530+ payment methods and 20+ languages, covering 80+ regions to help you open up the global market.

  • 80+


  • 20+


  • 530+

    Payment Methods

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Make instant borderless payments to your recipients

PayerMax supports instant batch disbursements, freeing you from troubles involved.

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PayerMax is committed to building a secure, reliable, and convenient payment environment.

Simple all-in-one integration process

Enjoy access to global payment solutions through an all-in-one integration. Both SDK and API integration methods are supported.

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Secure and reliable

With international payment license and PCI-DSS certification, PayerMax's risk management system guarantees the safety of all funds.

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Localized services

With a strong presence in emerging markets, PayerMax operates with 20+ languages, supports 30+ currencies, and offers 530+ payment methods, adapting to the payment habits of users in every location.

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Data analysis

PayerMax's powerful account management system allows you to view and analyze orders and understand user behavior.

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Fund management

Use our MMC system to initiate settlements, manage your funds flexibly to handle cash flow problems.

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Multi-scenario payments

Multi-scenario payment solutions for PCs, tablets, mobile devices, and H5 pages.

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PayerMax designs industry solutions that are tailor-made for you

  • Online reading

    Increase your profits made from paid content with small-amount charges and our subscription service.

  • Game publishing

    Fast and simple game credit top-ups in line with the payment habits of players.

  • Online education

    PayerMax supports various forms of online and offline payments, addressing the payment needs of both students and teachers.

  • Social media live streaming

    PayerMax's flexible collection and disbursement features meet various demands, encompassing purchases, rewards and settlements.

  • International e-commerce

    PayerMax's comprehensive international risk management system reduces unnecessary fund loss. It also supports mainstream e-commerce plugins.

Online reading
Game publishing
Online education
Social media live streaming
International e-commerce

Knowledge Hub

Start your free integration now

Four steps to quick access and free integration

  • 1 KYC review
  • 2 Sign contract
  • 3 Integration
  • 4 Product release
Area Code
  • +93Afghanistan
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  • +1829Dominica Rep
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  • +372Estonia
  • +251Ethiopia
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  • +220Gambia
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  • +1671Guam
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  • +224Guinea
  • +592Guyana
  • +509Haiti
  • +504Honduras
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  • +354Iceland
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  • +353Ireland
  • +972Israel
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  • +225Ivory Coast
  • +1876Jamaica
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  • +965Kuwait
  • +996Kyrgyzstan
  • +856Laos
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  • +961Lebanon
  • +266Lesotho
  • +370Lithuania
  • +352Luxembourg
  • +853Macao
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  • +265Malawi
  • +60Malaysia
  • +960Maldives
  • +223Mali
  • +356Malta
  • +596Martinique
  • +230Mauritius
  • +52Mexico
  • +373Moldova
  • +377Monaco
  • +976Mongolia
  • +1664Montserrat
  • +212Morocco
  • +258Mozambique
  • +95Myanmar (Burma)
  • +264Namibia
  • +674Nauru
  • +977Nepal
  • +31Netherlands
  • +599Netherlands Antilles
  • +64New Zealand
  • +505Nicaragua
  • +227Niger
  • +1670Northern Mariana Is
  • +47Norway
  • +968Oman
  • +92Pakistan
  • +507Panama
  • +675Papua New Guinea
  • +595Paraguay
  • +51Peru
  • +63Philippines
  • +48Poland
  • +351Portugal
  • +1787Puerto Rico
  • +974Qatar
  • +262Réunion
  • +40Romania
  • +7Russia
  • +966Saudi Arabia
  • +65Singapore
  • +27South Africa
  • +82South Korea
  • +886Taiwan
  • +66Thailand
  • +9Turkey
  • +971UAE
  • +44United Kiongdom
  • +1United States of America
  • +598Uruguay
  • +84Vietnam